Student Theses

Student Theses

Three Harvard School of Public Health Master’s student theses have been produced out of this project.  The titles are listed below:

  • Bannerji J. “Child health and immunization status in an unregistered Mumbai slum.” A thesis submitted to the Harvard School of Public Health in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science. Boston, MA. May 14, 2010.
  • Khan L. “‘Nobody’s here with me’: a mixed methods investigation of women’s delivery location in urban slum-dwelling India.” A thesis submitted to the Harvard School of Public Health in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science. Boston, MA. May 2011.
  • Lesser A. “Integrating the community into urban environmental governance: a case study of the Kaula Bandar slum settlement.” A thesis submitted to the Harvard School of Public Health in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science. Boston, MA. May 14, 2010.